The company

We advise organizations on project management and initiatives that contributes to climate change mitigation and sustainable development.

About us

Our experience is based on various areas, from climate action plans, greenhouse gas inventories, emissions reduction certification, carbon footprint calculation, to advising on financing and corporate decarbonisation strategy communication.

Over our 13 years’ experience, we have provided guidance to different kind of projects (forest management, renewable energy, energy efficiency, urban development, waste and effluent treatment) for different sectors (industrial, agro-industrial, energy, urban, among others), both from public and private entities. During this period we worked on more than 200 projects and consultancies in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay, as well as in Europe and the United States.

Our vision

At ProSustentia, our goal is to assist organizations of various types in the process of adapting to an increasingly emissions-restricted world, neutralizing their climate impact without hindering their growth and development.”

Our team

Josefina Uijt den Bogaard

Technical Project Manager

Laura Amdan

NBS Projects Manager

Ana Boglioli

NBS Projects Technical Analyst

Camila Rastelli

NBS Projects Technical Analyst

Victoria Foglino

NBS Projects Technical Analyst

Alejandro Biffis

NBS Projects Technical Analyst

Florencia Berardi

NBS Projects Technical Analyst

Miguel D’Ambrosio

NBS Projects Technical Analyst

Nadia Mazzeo

Climate Strategy Specialist

Milagros Munuce

Climate Strategy Technician

Andrés Said

External Consultant in AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use) Projects

Strategic Alliances