The start of 2025 at ProSustentia began with good news. In addition to the new projects that we are undertaking with the organizations that choose us and choose us again, we are also involved in the certification of projects that we have been working on since the beginning. This is the case of the Bosques del Uruguay II (BDU II) Afforestation through High Quality Timber in Grasslands project (ID 2411) which, with ProSustentia’s advice, achieved VCS-CCB verification of its afforestation project in Uruguay. This is the third project of AgroEmpresa Forestal, responsible for the trust’s forestry and carbon management, to achieve VCS-CCB certification under the AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses) category.
The project consists of forestry plantations with exotic species (eucalyptus) on land degraded by extensive cattle ranching. The species planted are Eucalyptus grandis to obtain high quality timber for sawmilling with 18-year shifts and short 10-year shifts for Eucalyptus dunni. This ensures the economic sustainability of the project over time. It is estimated that the 1,056 hectares planted will allow the average capture (LTA) of more than 246 thousand tons of carbon dioxide -and its equivalent emission in carbon credits- during the years of the certification project. To date, the project has already captured -and verified- 97,788 tons of carbon dioxide. In addition to the benefits on the climate system, sustainable management under FSC certification ensures that all environmental and social variables are taken into account.
Thanks to the work with the local community, the conservation and monitoring of high value areas of protection interest in the fields, the project achieved the validation and first verification of carbon credits under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard. The project promotes the preservation of native forest patches, natural grasslands and wetlands, which will be essential for the restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the region.
Enter Verra’s website where you are registered to learn more about the project: